The Lincoln College Academic Program is coordinated by our Dean of Studies and a team of Academic Tutors. Our pass rates are consistently above state and national averages.

Our residents are supported through the transition from secondary education to university study, and then in the important transition from university life to professional careers or from undergraduate to postgraduate study. The high level of engagement in the program contributes not only to exceptional academic results for our residents but also enhanced emotional intelligence, communication, and leadership skills. The Lincoln College academic program produces well-rounded independent learners and leaders.

What does Academic Support look like
for Lincoln College students?

As soon as you accept your offer at Lincoln College, our Dean of Studies will contact you to assist you in the enrolment process. This support continues every semester while you are at Lincoln. We can also assist with changing enrolments and degrees.

Beginning in Orientation week and continuing throughout the year, we provide a series of tutorials to introduce you to how to achieve and maintain academic success. Sessions include: An introduction to university Life; University walking tours; academic integrity and artificial intelligence; referencing; how to plan a study schedule; how to take lecture notes; the importance of peer study; and exam preparation and strategy.

Supervised Study sessions provide an opportunity for you to ensure you get into the habit of focusing on your academic work without distraction. First year residents are required to attend two sessions per week. The sessions are supervised by the college’s Academic Tutors.

You will be assigned to a ‘faculty’ based on the degree you are studying. A dedicated academic tutor (AT) leads and administers each faculty. Your academic tutor will check in on you weekly and be responsive to you when you reach out at any other time for assistance. There is an expectation that you will respond to every check-in. Failure to respond will result in a meeting with the Dean of Studies to explain your academic progress and lack of responsiveness.

You will also be assigned a tutor for every subject you are enrolled in.  This means you may have up to four tutors, depending on the breadth of subjects you are studying. You tutors may be your faculty Academic Tutor, another faculty Academic Tutor, or a sessional tutor (subject expert who is a college resident, alumnus or external expert).   Tutorials are usually held on Wednesday nights during Study Hall Drop-ins.

Drop-in sessions are held in the Dining Hall (and various other locations if needed) every Wednesday night from 7:30pm for one- and one-half hours during the term. These sessions are compulsory for all new Lincoln students and are highly recommended for Juniors and Seniors. Most formal tutorials will be scheduled for this time; however they are also a chance to check-in with your tutor and ask any questions of an academic nature. 

Students studying the same course are linked up and encouraged by their Academic Tutor to initiate study sessions, usually around a particularly challenging topic or for assignment and exam preparation. As your Academic tutor collates the specific subjects of each student in their faculty, they will proactively facilitate an initial peer study tutorials and encourage you and your peers to meet regularly. Your academic tutor will notify you who is studying the same subjects, who in college has studied them previously, and will create a group chat to help you schedule and communicate meeting times. 

Feel free to approach your academic tutor at any time for any administrative, assignment-focused, specific content queries or any other matter relating to your studies. 

Twice a year, once in each semester, all students will be asked to complete a survey that indicates how they are feeling about university and college life, the subjects and assessments they have for the semester, their academic challenges, and how the academic team can support them in 2024. This is a great opportunity to share any potential issues you are having with us, enabling you to have the best chance of success. The survey also forms the basis for the Academic Panels and Reviews.  Academic panels and reviews consist of you meeting with the Head of College, Dean of Studies, and an Alumnus or Board Member to discuss your responses to the survey and academic issues and College life more generally. 

Panel Sessions: Panel sessions involve bringing together three to four professionals who represent the professions in your faculty (usually Lincoln Alumni) to network with students and provide job-ready advice, tips and tricks, and work experience opportunities. Panel sessions are compulsory for all students in the faculty to which the panel relates.

Fireside Chats: Fireside chats are mini-panels where one professional (usually a Lincoln Alumna/us) networks and coaches students studying the same degree they study in an informal setting. Fireside chats are planned opportunistically, usually via contact from Alumni or an interested professional, or from a student’s suggestion. Panel sessions are compulsory for all students studying the degree to which the chat relates.

Mentoring: Mentoring involves scheduled one-on-one meetings between a mentor (usually a Lincoln Alumna/us) and student.  Mentor relationships are tailored to each mentor and students’ goals but overall, they all aim to assist you in achieving your academic goals. Mentors may help students with academic, personal, and professional issues, as well as give emotional support when needed.

Professional Development Sessions: These sessions are targeted to all students and are focused on, specific professional skills including for example: How to make the most of college life; resume and interview preparation; setting-up your LinkedIn Page; and job interviews – tips and tricks

This program is facilitated by the Dean of Studies and provides direct and tailored assistance to at-risk and failing students, via one-on-one weekly sessions. Some students who are not at risk of failing but are aiming for better outcomes, self-select to be a part of this program.

The Dean of Studies can assist you in liaising with your university to navigate the steps to adjust your studies to accommodate an injury, illness, disability or wellbeing issue.